Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Discover How To Be Rich By Learning From Rich People

Think like the rich, act like the rich and you'll be rich

What rich people believe and act that sets them apart from most people?

Rich people believe

1. Rich people believe that they create their own destiny.

They never blame, justify and criticize like most people. They know that when they blame and criticize, they will become a victim.

2. Rich people play money game to WIN but most people play money game NOT TO LOSE.

What is the difference between these two? Rich people play money game to WIN megabucks where as most people play money game just to get enough money for themselves.

3. Rich people are commited to be rich.

Most people only WISH to be rich and they don't mind not being rich. Rich people have a strong desire to be rich and successful.

4. Rich people think BIG.

They set challenging goals for themselves and take massive action.

5. Rich people focus on opportunity. Other people focus on obstacles.

Opportunity always come with obstacles. It's like a package, you cannot just take opportunity and "throw" the obstacles. When there are challenges and obstacles, most people will focus on them and then give excuses like "I'm too young", "I got not enough money" and eventually quit. Rich people focus on opportunity instead of obstacles.

6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. It's logic right?

7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people

They always mix with positive and successful people because it gives them high energy and motivation. I am not saying that you must choose your friend and be snobish. What I m trying to say is...

8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their values.

9. Rich people are BIGGER than their problems

When problem comes many people will be discourage and let the problem happens without resolving it. Rich people will try to solve their problems.

11. Rich people get paid based on results. They chose not to get rich by time. Rich people know that the wost possible way to be financially independent is to sell your time.

12. Rich people think BOTH

Most people think that if you want to earn lots of money, you'll have to sacrifice other stuff. Rich people believes that you can earn megabucks without sacrificing anything.

13. Rich people focus on their net worth

People with big cars or house are not necessarily rich. They may have lots of loans and debts.

14. Rich people manage their money well

They take calculated risk before investing their money.

15. Most people quit because of fear, doubt and worry. Rich people act in spite of FEAR, doubt and worry.

16. Rich people constantly learn and grow

Rich people are willing to learn from other people without looking at others' education, age etc.

17. Rich people have their money work hard for them

Rich people knows how to look for an opportunity, invest it and then see their money "growing". Most people work hard for money. They sacrifice their time to earn more money.

Most importantly, if you want to be rich and successful, you must have a vision. You must visualize what you want yourself to be 3-5 years from now. What you want to achieve 3-5 years from now? What do you want to do to get there?

The famous writer Napoleon Hill said "Whatever a man can conceive and believe, he can achieve it".

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